D2L's Brightspace for Faculty
Access to Blackboard will end on May 13. Please migrate, export, or archive all of your Blackboard courses and content before May 13. If you have questions about incompletes, grade disputes, or extensions email the Online Learning & Academic Technology department: olat@3327e.com

Already Using Brightspace?
1. Review and revise your course.
- Plan for and schedule ample time to revise and update your course.
- If you migrated from another LMS, complete the Brightspace Post-Migration Checklist.
2. Have questions?
- Check the How-To Documents for detailed instructions or the FAQ Page.
- Check the Support Flowchart to learn who to contact for your specific question or reach out to your Faculty Champions and Ambassadors!
3. Attend optional Brightspace sessions
- Build-A-Brightspace Sessions are drop-in sessions where instructors can work on their course while staff from OLAT and ID&LE are present to answer questions.
- Online Support Sessions are available for instructors to ask specific questions about Brightspace.
- Register in Compass to attend optional Build-A-Brightspace or Online Support Sessions.
- Visit the Training Information page for more details on these sessions.
New to Brightspace?
Preparing, migrating, and building your course will require significant time and effort. Don’t wait until the last minute—or even the last week!
1. Take the training.
- Register in Compass to take the required D2L’s Brightspace Basics for Faculty Curriculum (D2L1000).
2. Migrate a course from another LMS.
- Follow the Migration at a Glance steps.
- Review the migration documents:
3. Build a course from scratch.
- Review the Build from Scratch: Getting Started document.
- Register in Compass to attend optional Q&A sessions or Build-A-Brightspace sessions.
- Review the PDFs and videos on the How-To Documents page.